Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Knoxville's first course and an amazing Kriya sharing session!

Had the most profound post-Kriya experience sharing session ever. It really brings home how precious this knowledge is and how powerful a change it creates. The power of sharing positive experiences together also astounds me. Something so simple...and usually this practice is done the other way around. People usually get together and complain. But after Kriya, Staci was sharing that she doesnt feel the need to 'go on and get in there with them'. When sharing positivity, we enforce and add momentum to our good experiences that we might have felt, but have not acknowledged yet. Its also amazing how the littlest things are sometimes the things that brings people to this knowledge. A sentence in a video, the presence of someone, the coincidence of hearing about something exactly when you needed it. All the more reason not to ignore the little things. So the path forward is just to keep doing. And what has to work...will work. JGD!

Guruji In the Kitchen

FRED BUCHET Sublime Guitar to a new song!

Fred's sublime Guitar skills to a never heard before song..recorded in Vancouver!

Mountain Beauty!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some Amazing pictures of Swami P and Guru G!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Meditation Improves Cognitive Skills in Just Four Days

Here's a cool article I came across! And 4 days? If I dont do Kriya in the morning for one day...I feel like a dinosaur all day!

Meditation Improves Cognitive Skills in Just Four Days

My past week in Peekchurs!

Little badminton people!

Was I once that small?

Little JoJo...or like she likes to call herself..Jaja!

I know its Soccer officially...but for me Badminton will always be the 'Beautiful Game'

This is Nadia's amazing Piano that one day I hope to hear being played.

Pratik Jagadplaying my guitar..too bad he's a lefty and im a righty.

Awesome Satsang and Maha kriya @ the Atlanta Center.